Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice
A study guide of Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha’s 2018 book ‘Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice.’
Before engaging in critical analysis of disability justice as outlined by Piepzna-Samarasinha, we must first make sure we understand what she is saying. Take the following questions and answer them in your own words. When doing so, try to limit the number of sentences you use and aim to explain these concepts succinctly. To double-check your work, or if you are truly stuck, you may visit the summary sections that address the question.
Define disability justice in your own words. Who started the movement and what does the movement fight for?
What are care webs? How are they helpful for people who are disabled? What are some things to look out for when setting up a care web?
Pick three examples of care webs that interested you the most. What problem were they addressing and how did they address it? Was it successful?
What is healing justice? How is it different to disability justice?
The final section of the summary is about the lived experiences of Piepzna-Samarasinha and disabled, queer femmes in general. What are your main takeaways from this section? Specifically about suicide and emotional safety?
Describe the fair-trade emotional labor economy and how it works in your own words.
Below, a Quizlet flashcard set to help you take note of keywords from this study guide!