The Stonewall Reader

A study guide of the New York Public Library’s 2019 book ‘The Stonewall Reader.’

This study guide was written by Olivia Jobe and edited by August Devore Welles and Gari De Ramos

For The Stonewall Rader, the New York Public Library compiled the writings of several LGBTQ+ activists and community members to document what happened before, during, and after the Stonewall uprising. Radical in Progress’ study guide of this book is broken up into the same before, during, and after sections as the book. We hope that from this, we can honor the lives of these historic figures and continue to think about their stories in the modern-day fight for queer liberation.

This study guide will first summarize the book chapter-by-chapter, then provide comprehension questions to help you understand the material, and praxis questions to help apply what you’ve learned into your own life and organizing.

Navigate our study guide using the table of contents below.


New York Public Library. (2019). The Stonewall Reader.

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