Feminism is for Everybody

A study guide of the bell hook’s 2000 book ‘Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Politics.’


Let’s apply what you’ve just learned in your own life and organizing.

  1. What can you do to educate people about feminism and its importance? For example, can you gather your own consciousness-raising?

  2. On introspection, have there been any times you have caught yourself in a pattern of sexist or internally misogynistic thought? 

  3. How would you go about trying to undo this sexist indoctrination and move towards a feminist perspective?

  4. What efforts to make feminism more palatable for the patriarchal society can you see around you? How have these altered or affected the feminist struggle?

  5. What would be included under an unbiased education system for dismantling sexist thinking?

  6. How is female sexuality viewed by you, or those around you? 

  7. What could constitute liberatory sexual practice?

  8. Are there patriarchal elements observable in the religion and religious community you are a part of/around you?

  9. What are some of the ways we can talk about the intersection between class and feminism in a more nuanced and productive way? What are your thoughts on hooks' suggestion of co-housing?

  10. How can older feminists effectively teach younger ones to reignite political solidarity for the movement of "sisterhood is powerful?"

  11. What are some organizations in your community taking direct action to further the feminist movement?

Additional Readings & Resources

  • Books

  • Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay

  • Redefining Realness by Janet Mock

  • Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde

  • The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

  • The Bridge Called My Back

  • Women, Culture, and Politics by Angela Y. Davis

Articles, blogs, etc.

Instagram accounts

  • @bodyposipand

  • @lesbianherstoryarchives

  • @salty.world

  • @theunapologeticallybrownseries

  • @thestoriesofwomen


Hooks, B. (2000). Feminism is for everybody: Passionate politics. Pluto Press.

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